THE LEGENDARY TRAVELLING THEATRE Presents a new production of LIGHT NIGHTS An Authentic Icelandic "KVÖLDVAKA" One-Woman Show, Performed in English by KRISTÍN G. MAGNÚS The Travelling Theatre has been entertaining English-speaking audiences in Iceland, USA and UK for 42 years with a series of productions sharing the name of Light Nights. It has the longest run of any theatre company entertaining the foreign visitor in Iceland. |
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Performances for groups of 15 to 30 people are available if booked well in advance via email: or by phone: +354-551-9181 or +354-898-0181. We regret that no individual tickets will be sold during the 2014 summer season. The theatre is very easy to find, at Baldursgata 37, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland. Right in the centre of town, just off the main street, Skólavörðustígur. |
The Icelandic folklore is rich and colourful and the Icelandic Sagas are regarded as one of the world's greatest literature. What is "Kvöldvaka"? For centuries — all the way back to the 13th century — a special entertainment called "Kvöldvaka" was held at every farmstead during the cold winter nights. People would gather in the living room and one person in the family told stories or read from the Sagas and sometimes there would be chanting of old rhymes and verses. Those evening entertainments at home created a special atmosphere that brought people together; they were drawn into an imaginary world of wonders, far away from the reality of every day work and worries. You get a glimpse into this bygone world as Kristín weaves together
folk-tales, amusing events from Icelandic history, and one very
memorable ghost story. She will also show you a collection of her old Icelandic artifacts. You will get an authentic "Kvöldvaka" atmosphere
which you will remember for a very long time. |
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“This is old style storytelling. I thoroughly enjoyed
myself. For a warm, home-made night out, go visit Light
Nick Candy, Dramatic Art Critic at Reykjavik Grapevine
“The audience laughed heartily, in particular when the
sorceress was driving the Deacon back down into his grave... This show
will surely be enjoyed by many.“
Elisabet Brekkan, Dramatic Art Critic at Fréttablaðið
“Light Nights is really a great cultural
Sveinn Haraldsson, Dramatic Art Critic at Morgunblaðið
“Kristín G. Magnús is a performer of genuine skill and
Valdimar Björnsson, Lögberg-Heimskringla
Read what audiences and critics said about past LIGHT NIGHTS productions. |
The Travelling Theatre, a professional theatre company, was formed in Reykjavík, Iceland, in 1965 by Kristín G. Magnús and Halldór Snorrason — which Kristín still runs after 48 years. The company has presented productions as varied as Drama, Comedy, Physical Theatre, Improvisation, Story Telling, Children Plays, and Musical. We have presented new plays by Icelandic playwrights at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Scotland and in London, England. |