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What have the critics said about previous Light Nights productions?
"Light Nights is really a great cultural phenomenon"
"There is no doubt about it -- the tourists will enjoy seeing the Icelandic stories and traditions in this romantic light"
Sveinn Haraldsson, Dramatic Arts Critic, Morgunbladid (Reykjavík, Iceland)

"Kristín G. Magnús is a performer of genuine skill and versatility."
Valdimar Björnsson, Lögberg Heimskringla (Canada)

" is an extraordinary success and provides a most heart-warming evening in the theatre."
H.J.G. Majorca Daily Bulletin (Majorca)

"Kristín G. Magnús brings to life one of many Icelandic folktales about Sæmundur the Learned and his struggles with Old Nick... If you want to know more about the history, folklore, poetry, music and sagas of Iceland, it's devilishly good theatre!"
Jane Dale, News from Iceland (Reykjavík, Iceland)